The job market of the TU Career Centre on enables maximum target group orientation at fair conditions. The central recruiting platform of TU Wien offers you direct contact with applicants in the technical and scientific fields. From student internships and part-time jobs to full-time jobs, everything is possible with this targeted service.
With its services, the TU Career Centre supports 26.000 students and 2.600 graduates every year.
+ 250,- EUR
Boost your Job ad!
Job advertisements: Basic
Single advert: 290,- EUR
Duration: 60 days
- 3 advertisements 785,00 EUR
- 5 advertisements 1.235,00 EUR
- 10 advertisements 2.300,00 EUR
Job advertisements: Premium
Single advert: 350,- EUR
Duration: 60 days
- 3 advertisements 997,50 EUR
- 5 advertisements 1.575,00 EUR
- 10 advertisements 2.975,00 EUR
Company profile
Annual package 990,- EUR
Half-year package 495,- EUR
Present the most important information about your company to students.
Your company profile can be called up with an extensive filter function and is positioned with a rotating teaser on the homepage
Premium combi ad
"Die Presse"
1.500,- EUR
Duration 60 days
Benefit from over 300,000 daily readers with our exclusive combination placement with the newspaper "die Presse".
- Premium advertisement on
- Job advertisement in "Die Presse" (print, Saturday edition)
- 60 days presence in the career network of,
- Format (print): 131 mm wide x 131 mm high, max. characters: 1,800 incl. spaces
Premium combi ad
580,- EUR
Duration 60 days
Increase your advertising reach and benefit from the cheaper combination price. The combination placement includes both the insertion on and the placement on
- Premium job advertisement
- Job advertisement in individual layout (incl. your company logo) on
Job Abo
2.200,- EUR
Laufzeit 1 Jahr
A permanent position on our job.plattform for 1 year and the ability to manage and change your job advertisements yourself.
- Push message via job.alert
- Company contact, company logo, website
- Permanent space for your Basic ad
- Can be changed at any time
Our service
We are also happy to take over the placement and design of your job advert. Per advert 90.00 EUR excl. VAT.
Your contact person
Alice Preloschnik
Job Market | Event Management
t: +43 664 60 588 78 14