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CHANCENLAND VORARLBERG | READY FOR A NEW TECH JOB? Then Vorarlberg is your place to be! We'll show you what makes Vorarlberg so special and provide you with information about open jobs, internships, trainee programs, and positions for final theses in the fields of mathematics, computer science, engineering, and natural sciences. On our website,, you’ll find a company and job database with current job offers in the Vorarlberg region. We also organize free networking events, where we connect you with companies from Vorarlberg. Today, we are joined by LCS Cable Cranes GmbH at our stand. Since 1989, LCS Cable Cranes has been committed to solving complex transport challenges in rough terrain. Today, they are one of the world's leading companies in this field. CURIOUS? We're excited to meet you and look forward to helping you find an awesome tech job!
The traditional Alstom site in Vienna is a global competence centre for trams and light rail vehicles and employs around 800 people who cover the entire value chain - from initial customer contact to development, assembly, component production and maintenance after the vehicles have been put into operation for our customers all over the world.
The Boston Consulting Group über sich selbst:
Wir planen, bauen und erhalten die Straßen Wiens.